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Buronova Nafosat Davronovna


Annotation. There is a strange absence in the curriculum of lots of MA TESOL
programs and similar courses of study for foreign and second language teachers.
Although such courses of study naturally involve required study courses on
grammar, phonology, and discourse analysis, vocabulary is often react to just
incidentally in the language teachers’ preparation. As the scientists present in this
bright and engrossing account of the vocabulary’s role in foreign language teaching
and learning, lexical knowledge is principal to the competence of communication
and to a foreign language’s acquisition. Lexical units and vocabulary are at the base
of studying and speaking skill. No amount of grammatical knowledge or another
kind of linguistic knowledge can be engaged in communication or discourse without
the intervention of words. Indeed, vocabulary and word expressions can continue a
large amount of elementary speaking skill without –lots of support from other
features of the system of language. Comprehending of the character and importance
of lexical knowledge in a foreign language for that reason needs to play a much more
principal role in the knowledge core of language teachers. This article convincingly
asserts again the importance of words within applied linguistics.

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How to Cite
Buronova Nafosat Davronovna. (2022). LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES THROUGH THE AGES . World Scientific Research Journal, 3(2), 26–31. Retrieved from