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Qaxramanov Timur Ikram o‘g‘li
Qudratov Mansurbek Ibrayimjon o‘g‘li
Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich


Abstract: The phenomenon of "engineering thinking" is the object of study of many disciplines: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, humanitarian and technical sciences. Engineering thinking should be based on a well-developed imagination and include different types of thinking: logical, creative, visual-metaphorical, practical, theoretical, technical, spatial, etc.

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How to Cite
Qaxramanov Timur Ikram o‘g‘li, Qudratov Mansurbek Ibrayimjon o‘g‘li, & Salimov Baxriddin Lutfullaevich. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL UNDERSTANDING OF ENGINEERING THINKING. World Scientific Research Journal, 27(1), 15–19. Retrieved from


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